
Shadesecret conducts all of its business in line with our Environmental Policy statement and our Environmental Management Policy.

We believe in conducting our business in a way that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

We will continue to meet the demand for excellent products but we also affirm our commitment to 3-pillars that support a sustainable future:

. Social Responsibility

. Economic Viability

. Environmental Sustainability

Social Sustainability

Social sustainability includes environmental justice, human health, resource security, and education, among other important social elements of society. We aim to promote social sustainability when we can. We make efforts to generate social sustainability by focusing our efforts on employee retention.

Economic Sustainability

Economic sustainability includes job creation, profitability, and proper accounting of ecosystem services for optimal cost-benefit analyses. This includes long term planning, job retention and overall employee security.

We also review our impact on the environment. We also use local suppliers whenever possible to reduce the impact on the environment and add to our local community.

Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability focuses on the well-being of the environment. We make efforts to be more environmentally friendly from the use of energy, travelling, and packaging materials.

Diversity and Equal Opportunities

We will operate a policy of equal opportunity in all aspects of employment and training. All relationships with suppliers, customers and stakeholders will be conducted with fairness.

Respect for People and Communities

Shadesecret recognises its obligations to all those with whom it has dealings – shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, competitors and the wider community.

Shadesecret is committed to conducting its business in an ethical manner and in full compliance with all applicable laws. Honesty, fairness, respect and integrity are all guiding principles in our business dealings. Our ability to achieve the challenging business goals we set for ourselves depends on us being committed to these values. These values apply wherever we do business.

The reputation of the Company and the trust and confidence of those with whom it deals is one of its most vital resources. The protection of this is of fundamental importance.

Shadesecret demands and maintains the highest ethical standards in carrying out its business activities. Corrupt practices of any sort will not be tolerated. The Company will monitor ethical performance regularly.

As much of our business is predicated on operating systems, we ensure that all systems are robust and effective. Shadesecret ensures its systems meet compliance wherever possible across the company. As such, security is paramount and the sustainability of the company is reliant on this.

To achieve this, we develop our systems with our partners using recognised industry standard software and development languages. All systems are fully tested before release and have comprehensive back-up and fall-over processes in place to ensure continuity of business.

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